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J-Term Programs for Fairfield & Non Fairfield

Earn 3 Credits Studying Abroad Over Winter Break!!
J-Term Programs at our Centers are a terrific way to add a short-term study abroad experience to your academic plan!  These programs are well-suited for those students who:
  • wish to incorporate a short-term international learning experience while at Fairfield
  • who are athletes
  • might not have the option to be abroad for an entire semester
  • have studied abroad and just want more!

Check out the options our Global Partners Offering Courses over Winter Break


IAU in Aix in Provence is offering between December 29, 2024 - January 16, 2025

January in Florence with FUA - January 6 - 18, 2025


If the course offerings at IAU are not what you are looking for, please visit our Faculty Led Page for the 2024 AHST 1130 Renaissance Art course that is being offered in January as well as other potential opportunities next summer.